Linda Hayden
Linda's Diary/Blog

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Back to work!

Where does the time go? It's been five months since my hand surgery and I'm just getting back to the looms. In the meantime I have accomplished major amounts of spinning and at this time the dye pots are boiling and producing many great colors. I've acquired some outstanding fleeces from the Cotswold sheep breed and the wool is thick and lustrous. Combined with the natural plant colors I have a good supply of beautiful wool and I'm excited about creating all my orders. I'm slowly getting back to my looms and appreciate all your good wishes and incredible patience! For those of you waiting for your blanket you'll be personally hearing from me soon. In the mean time take a look at the new fleeces in their natural state right after shearing, spun wool hanging to dry, and look for dye pot pictures coming soon. For those of you wanting to place new orders...give me a call.